1. Are your items 100% authentic?
Yes! We guarantee all our items to be 100% authentic or a full refund. We have a multi-step inspection process to verify that ANY item available for sale on our website is real and not a replica.
2. Do you accept offers for your items?
Yes! We accept any REASONABLE offers on our products. Please contact us by email with your offer on the product you are interested in. We will notify you within 24 hours if your offer is approved or declined.
3. Does my item come with original packaging?
This varies by item. Most pre-owned items do not come with packaging. All our new items will come with some type of original packing whether that be a dust bag or box. We will state in each description what the item will come with.
4. How are your prices so low compared to other commercial reseller companies?
We are able to offer our products at incredible prices due to a few factors. Over the years of being in business we have acquired numerous relationships with various sellers who only sell authentic merchandise at incredible deals thus giving us the ability to offer super-savings to our clients. We also keep our overhead very low, being that we are only an online store currently.
5. How can I track my order?
When you purchase an item from us, you will receive an email with your tracking when we print the label and package your item to be sent out. For any issues, please contact us via email.
6. What if I want to return my purchase?
Unfortunately, all sales are final unless the item is proven to be not authentic by a verified authenticator.
7. If I buy multiple items can I get a discount?
Absolutely! We are more than happy to offer a discount to our clients when more than 1 item is purchased.
8. Do you offer wholesale?
Yes! If you are interested in wholesale, please email us with the amount of items you are looking to purchase and what specific items you are interested in.
9. Do I have to pay sales tax on my order?
You will only need to pay sales tax if you are located in the state of New York.
10. Where is Luxury Leather Guys located?
We are based out of Long Island, NY. However, we do not have an actual front just yet!
11. Can my shipping and billing address be different?
Unfortunately, we can only ship to addresses that match the billing address or paypal account.
12. How do you process my payment?
We accept payments through paypal check out. Please make sure your address to ship to is the address on your paypal account.
13. If my package gets lost in transit am I out my money?
Not at all! All our items are shipped fully insured with signature included in the price you pay for this specific reason. In case this happens you will be able to file a claim with USPS and be able to get a refund from them.
14. If I want to authenticate an item through a 3rd party can I do that?
Of course! We are more than welcome to making sure you are as comfortable as possible with your purchase. We try to be as transparent as possible and can assist you on getting any of our items authenticated through a third party authenticator.
15. Do any of your items come with COA's?
Unfortunately, due to our items being priced at such a competitive low prices none of our items come with any COA's. However, if you wish to obtain a certificate from a 3rd party authenticator we are more than happy to assist you. Please email us and our client service team will respond back to you as soon as possible.
16. What if my item is damaged or stolen in transit?
Unfortunately, we do not handle to shipping process. We try our best to make sure each item is packaged securely and is protected. We are not responsible for damaged or stolen packages, you must contact USPS and file a claim.
17. Are you affiliated with the brands you sell?
No, we are NOT affiliated with any brands that we sell on our website.